March 27, 2008

taste like a french fry + great for runners

I love; I mean LOVE sweet potato fries. When I came across these already cut up and ready to throw in the oven, I thought I had died and gone to Heaven! One sweet potato supplies over 250 percent of the DV for vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, the powerful antioxidant. My son loves them as well. I looked where you could find them and Walmart sells this brand.


Aimee's Family Journal said...

Hey! We love these too! The ones at Costco come with a s4easoning recipe too. A little EVOO, brown mustard, and a few pepper flakes. I can't really describe it, but the combination of the sweet fireis, cooked with just a hint of spice and mustard, makes them SO GOOD!

My Time to Blossom said...

I have tried some grocery store brands and they were soggy and not good. The walmart ones are yummy and the whole family likes them. I dip them in barbeque sauce. Yum!